I've been lax in updating, shame on me. I have SUCH a backlog of new shoes from DSW, it's not even funny. Three new pairs coming in Monday, as well. Ahhhhh! I swear, I need a photographer on call, or following me around. I can only do self-shots so well.
Anyway, today I dressed up a little for work, seeing as it's the Friday before Halloween and one can't very well dress up for Halloween AFTER the fact. So today it was. Also didn't help that I as up at 6 because I couldn't sleep, so I laid in bed thinking about clothes.
Like you do.

Ergo, this pin-up inspired look. Worn it once or twice for parties or theme nights. And what's better, it's 90% thrift store! Got the top at my fav. Goodwill, while the skirt and shoes were found at Diversity Thrift for pennies. The hose, which are ADORABLE, were a gift from a friend who loves unusual tights and patterns. The flowers in my hair, may or may not be visible here, were From the Dollar Store. I'm getting better at making killer outfits for under $10. Go me!

P.S. Thank you MuffinMama for reminding me that I needed to post, I've gotten lax.