Back from hiatus for a moment. Haven't added much lately, but these came in just in time for a classy party. My friend turned 25, and decided to have a wonderful theme party. Speakeasy, darling. So I got to get all dolled up.
Havent The lovely dress is vintage from a great aunt of mine, the hat and mink (yes, mink) are my grandmother's. Yes, it's three mink bodies biting each others butts. No, I don't feel bad about wearing fur. It is an hairloom, and they were dead long ago. Their names are Eeney, Meeney, and Miney. The sweet necklace was another friends grandmothers. (something about relations here...)
The shoes are not vintage, but totally look it. Amy's grandmother (again?) had a pair of spanich lace heels she got in the 40's. Amy has them now and I wanted something similar. And when She linked me to a pair online, I had to have them. Peep toes and 3.5" heels. The lace is adorable and there is a small bow on the toe strap.